School Visitors
Ed Pastor Elementary
Visitors to School
- All visitors must enter through front doors and report to the office upon arrival.
- Must present ID and sign-in in visitor’s log.
- Any district employee must present district ID and sign-in in visitor’s log. If no district ID, then they must present personal ID and get a visitor’s pass.
- They are checked in by secretary and given a visitor’s/volunteer pass and directed to their location.
- Must wear district ID, visitor’s or volunteer pass during school premises at all times.
- Any staff or teacher may request to see the visitor’s/volunteer pass and if no pass they will be redirected to the office.
- Visitor’s/volunteers are to use adult/staff restrooms throughout the school.
- For classroom observation, they must contact principal in advance to arrange day and time. In classroom observation the teacher’s responsibility is to focus on daily instruction and will not be able to converse with visitor. If the visitor desires to have such conversations, a meeting can be arranged.
- For school tours, they must contact principal in advance to arrange day and time.
- When visit is complete, report back to office and sign-out in visitor’s log and return ID.
- No pictures or videos may be taken without prior consent form from parents.
- Masks are not mandatory.
- No visits, tour or observations will be permitted during state testing.
*No visit, tour, or observation shall be permitted if it threatens the health and safety of the pupils and staff.